Procedure | Location | Procedure Type | Description |
concat | vecfun | Interface | returns a new vector joining two input vectors. |
echo | vecfun | Interface | alternative to spread, it returns a new vector by replicating the elements in the input vector val times. |
every | vecfun | Interface | returns a new vector comprising every other consecutive val from the input vector. for example, every second element consecutively. |
pop | vecfun | Interface | returns a new vector by deleting the last element in the input vector, or if idx is provided, then delete the element at index idx |
popall | vecfun | Interface | returns a new vector with all vals deleted from the input vector. |
popevery | vecfun | Interface | returns a new vector sequentially deleting every other element from the input vector using the fortran pack function. |
popval | vecfun | Interface | returns a new vector with val deleted from the input vector. only the first val is deleted if there are more vals in the input vector. |
print_elapsed_times | watch_mod | Subroutine | |
push | vecfun | Interface | returns a new vector with val pushed to the end of the input vector. |
pushnew | vecfun | Interface | returns a new vector adding val to the input vector but only if val is not already in the input vector. |
pushto | vecfun | Interface | returns a new vector with val pushed to idx of the input vector. |
replace | vecfun | Interface | returns a new vector replacing elements in the input vector. |
reverse | vecfun | Interface | returns a new vector reversing the elements of the input. alternative to b = a[j:k:-1] |
swap | vecfun | Interface | returns a new vector, swapping elements in the input vector. |
unique | vecfun | Interface | returns a new vector compring the unique elements of the input vector. a faster implementation is provided for pre-sorted inputs. |
watch | watch_mod | Subroutine | |
zip | vecfun | Interface | returns a new vector, sequentially joining two other input vectors. for example, a=[1,2]; b=[3,4]; c=zip(a,b)=[1,3,2,4] |